1098T tuition statement forms issued by the University for the prior year will be available in TouchNet by January 31 for certain students who made payments toward qualified tuition and related expenses. Not all students will have a 1098T reported to the IRS. Examples of this are international students for whom we are not required to report or any student who did not make a payment to qualified tuition and related expenses during the calendar year.
Current and former students can still access their student account to obtain a 1098-T even if they are not currently enrolled.
If you've forgotten your Pathway/TouchNet login information you can reset your password. There is an option to reset the password on the Pathway login page. If you need additional help you can contact UMKC Information Services at 816/235-2000 or techsupportcenter@2fitfashion.com. You can also submit a request for assistance online at: http://6pae.2fitfashion.com/is/it-help.html
Since the 1098-T is only available online, don't forget to consent to receive your 1098-T electronically so that you can retrieve it as soon as it becomes available.
In order to activate E-Print, log in to Pathway click on Financial Account and then Tax Information. Select the second tab at the top of the page, entitled "E-Print". Make sure that the 1098T E-Print box is checked and select "Save."
For assistance in accessing your student account or to reset your password, visit UMKC Information Services. They can be reached at 816-235-2000 or techsupportcenter@2fitfashion.com
Former students who are not able to navigate from Pathway to TouchNet can contact Information Services about applying the authentication workaround.
Effective Jan. 1, 2018, tax law requires all educational institutions to report payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE) in Box 1 of the Form 1098-T. Because of this, the amount listed on your 1098-T may not represent the amount you actually paid. Scholarships and grants awarded will continue to be shown in Box 5.
Please visit the IRS website for more information regarding how to use this form in conunctiion with receipts to deteremine what credits you may be eligible for.
The Cashiers Office cannot provide tax filing assistance or advice.
TouchNet Authorized Users can view and obtain 1098-T form for 2019 to the most recent tax year by logging on to the TouchNet authorized user website at go.2fitfashion.com/TNAuthUser.
The student must grant TouchNet Authorized Access.
Pathway Additional Authorized Users can view and obtain the 1098-T for 2018 and prior by logging into the Pathway Additional Authorized Access login.
The student must grant Pathway Additional Authorized Access.